Tuesday, July 10, 2012


From me, that is. June started all gung-ho, but well, what can you say, LIFE intervenes, doesn't it. And facebook. Twice I've sat down now with a nice glass of wine on a Friday night, intending to use that sweet spot in between glasses 2 and 3 to write and gotten totally distracted by such fundamentally important things as someone's new hammock, or a recipe for pie.

We spent the weekend in Munakata with Kristin and family, and Christine and Nao. We had a 4th July barbecue with hot dogs and hamburgers. We went to see a lit candle rainbow at a Tanabata festival, with some dancing. Then came home and drank wine while trying not to be driven mad by the sound of seven kids thumping and squealing and the dog joining in. We stayed the night, which was a 'trial run' of this summer's intended road trip - to see if we could actually fit our stuff, mattresses, tent, ground sheet, food bag, toys, beach bags, blankets and pillows, plus us, in the car and not forget anything.

Sunday on the way home, we went for our first beach visit this year, yay!!!! It was just one of those lovely afternoons with the kids - chatting away in the car, going on an adventure down strange streets that look like they go somewhere on the map, finally finding a beach, the swimming of course, being given watermelon by complete strangers, AmePote chips in the car, a lovely refreshing onsen, arriving home while it's still light, for a quick dinner of frozen pizza, fried eggs and chips then flopping onto the sofa to watch a movie.

Today I went swimming for the second time since signing up for the pool in April, 800m today. Amy and Lena have an open school this afternoon, Baachan is going to pick up Erica from kindy, and it's ham steaks and pineapple for tea fitted around juku and piano lessons.

 I've designated Tuesday "blog day" (as opposed to AFWJ Day on Wednesday, and "work" day on Monday, job hunting and getting things ready to sell at auction), so I have to fit that in sometime (oh, how about now? good idea) PLUS find those damn health check coupons I got a few weeks ago, so I can go get strangers to poke and prod me in all my naughty bits, which is, of course, preferable to dying of cancer of those naughty bits.

1 comment:

shinshu life said...

hope you found your coupons. Turning the magic dangerous to your health age of 35 this year I am now eligible for public health testing and all ready to line up with all the wrinkly neighbours. :)