Thursday, May 26, 2005


Amy is doing...mmm...okay. She started with a bang but the noveltly appears to have worn off a bit. The big class does not do much for her need to be the leader. She is used to being the boss, the strongest personality in the class. She is eating up her lunches very well, hopefully because she is hungry, not because she feels she has to, though I think there is a bit of that in there, as she complained to me about giving her too much rice, and sometimes moans about the vegetables.

She HATES the afternoon nap, and I can only sympathize with her. Even if I have a rest after lunch, it's only for half an hour. And she has to be there for at least an hour, or more. And they won't let her talk, or read. She sometimes feels a bit lost with all the kids, she hasn't quite made her friends yet, still swapping around, and says that the kids won't play with her. I suspect she is trying to dictate the terms of the game like she does with Lena and her other friends, but the kids at kindy don't see any reason to stay and get nagged when they could be off doing other things! Poor Amy, she'll adjust, I suppose.

Meanwhile Lena is in kindy heaven. She volunteered the other day, not even in response to a question, that she had a lovely day at kindy today. When I drop her off, she runs inside with barely a backward glance, maybe calling out 'see ya' to me as she goes. When I ask her what she did, she almost always answers by telling me the songs she sang, so guess what she likes best? She is also doing well with her lunches, and I am getting into the swing of preparing them. She has sandwiches twice, a Japanese O-bento twice (rice, meat, veges, egg, fruit) and on Thursday I order her a fried chicken and rice-balls O-bento from a shop.

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