Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Sudden English Lesson

I must be getting a bit ahead of myself, as I totally forgot about a lesson I had scheduled today! Or rather, the English playgroup for Amy and her friends from Keio Academy. There I was, settling in for a relaxed afternoon, just checking the email before going out to pick up Amy, and the doorbell rang. I still didn't click, and Lena raced ahead to answer the door as she always does (she considers it her job, and gets extremely annoyed if anyone else tries to open it!) and there stood Mayumi and Maika. I still didn't click, and thought they had just come to drop something off, but they started to come in, and I realized my mistake - because I had had the Friday group scheduled (but cancelled) only a few days ago, I kind of thought that that must be it for a week, but now that I think about it, I do recall realizing that alternating Tuesdays and Fridays does mean that a Tuesday group follows on very quickly from a Friday.

Oh well, I recovered - I do have a lot of resources so it was not too challenging. We played Fish using the Dr Seuss 'one fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish' cards the Greenwoods got for one of my kids a few years ago, and followed it with the Living Books CDrom version of The Cat in The Hat.

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