Well you know I've been talking about getting Erica's first baby hair made into a calligraphy brush, it seemed like a cool thing to do. Not trusting my own hand with scissors and baby hair after what happened to Amy (no blood, just the world's dorkiest looking baby for many more months than I realized a bad haircut lasted!) I went to the salon. I needed a trim, and Amy was off school that day (eye infection) so she could play with Erica while I got my cut.
I had talked to him about the brush thing on a previous occasion, and Kanji mentioned it on the phone when he called to see if they were free, and I mentioned it again as we sat down, BUT guess who just wasn't listening! He combs through the hair and deftly trims off the feathery baby hair-ends with razor-cut scissors, about one centimetre. "Oh," says I, "what about the brush?". "Oh!" he goes, "you wanted to do the brush!" as if he'd never heard the idea before. Grrrr. I know you have to do a bit of pretending-to-understand to get by, you can't go walking around with a dictionary, saying "repeat that please", it impedes smooth communication. But you'd think you'd switch your ears on a little bit when a customer sits down for a haircut.
Well, he did his best with the remainder, and we have a lock of hair now. It's still her first hair, even if it's not as whispy as it could have been. Well, maybe they don't need that whispy bit anyway...
Lena had wanted to know before Erica's birthday what she was going to be able to do know that she was one. I laughed and explained that it didn't work like that, you're just the same the day before as you are the day after, but you know kids, they put a lot of store in that digit change. They constantly refer to their skills and achievements in terms of "When I was (fill in age just passed) I couldn't do xyz, but now I can"
But then Amy commented the other day that indeed some age magic seems to have occured, as Erica has suddenly gotten very, very cute lately! She sways her bum while dancing, babbles in a close immitation of language, and has a rainbow of adorably silly expressions. She gets excited and stamps her feet, then giggles at the effect. For nothing more than my own memories in years to come, I'm going to keep a 'cute' diary for the weekend, back at you on Monday with more unapologetic GUSH
What a darling photo, just adorable on how you captured her looking up at the stylists...
Very cute haircut!!!!
I liked reading about her birthday party- it seems like a lovely day.
Also, you asked a couple of weeks ago what you can call the plaster man/woman and I used to work in a hospital and they went under the title plaster technician!
Very cute! I think the fude idea is a good one too - but we would have to wait another year or two for Marina's first haircut and by then I think the fluff would have gone.
girl japan, my 8-year old daughter took the photo! Good on her, she really caught a memorable moment. lulu, thank you so much for giving me a name for that dear man! Plaster technician sounds a lot more medical, perhaps now I can banish the images of construction.
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