Thursday, June 03, 2010

Lazy Day

Not counting the three hours of work, but I spend the rest of day being pretty damn lazy.

Why does this happen after such a busy, productive day yesterday? I'm not really that tired. I woke up bright and early at 6:15. Then after a bit of dishes, tidying and laundry I spend most of the morning on the computer!

Worked, came home, spent more time on the computer, DH cooked dinner, all eaten now and back on the computer!

Okay, enough! I'm going to bed. To sleep. Or maybe read all night long - I'm reading The Historian at the moment, more vampires!


Helen said...

How do you like The Historian? I read it a couple of years ago and couldn't put it down. I loved it personally.

Rachel said...

I'm about a third of the way through, and though it's my official Bedtime Book, it's just getting to the stage where I might have to take from the bedroom and keep it by me all day so I can sneak peaks and find out what happened next!

However, I am wondering if Sasha Baren Cohen read it, because I can't help thinking of Borat when I read about Professer Bora, he even seems physically similar! Or is that just me...