Thursday, June 23, 2005

Today I...

7am Wake up. Dab a small plastic circle on Amy's bum for a worm check prior to swimming at kindy. At least I know all the other kids will be worn-free...Select kids' clothes.

7-8 Make breakfast - corn flakes with stewed apple made with cloves, and yogurt in a separate bowl. Mum has raw organic meusli with apples and hot water. Put rice on to cook. Make Lena's lunch: yesterday's crumbed chicken, a wedge of processed cheese, three cherry tomatoes, a few sprigs of broccoli, a tiny plastic contaiter of tomato sauce and mayonnaise. Make much needed pot of fresh brewed Darjeeling leaf tea. Tell kids to get dressed. Put on a load of laundry.

8-8:40 Tell kids to brush teeth. Put their hair in pigtails. Get dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. Drink tea. Check e-mail.

8:40 Put rice into Amy's rice container for kindy. Tell kids to put shoes on. Search in car for kindy attendance book.

8:50 Take Amy to kindy; deliver washed mattress and cover, plus new summer blanket and pyjamas to teachers.

9-9:30 Edit AFWJ(Association of Foreign Wives of Japanese Club)minutes as per President's Suggestions. Drink second cup of tea.

9:30 Put rice into second layer of Lena's lunchbox, add a packet of furikake (rice spinkles, made of dried seaweed, sesame seed, fish).

9:40 Tell Lena to put her shoes on, put sunblock on her and me, put on her helmet, put her on the bike and cycle to kindy.

10-10:30 Cycle home from kindy. Stop as Fadies and buy canned apricots for breakfast yougurt. Stop at Tsutaya video store to hand back DVD.

10:30-11:00 continue AFWJ minutes

11:-00 Shower, blow dry hair.

11:10-12:00 tidy bedrooom whilst listening to Franz Ferdinand, select work clothes, iron them, hang laundry. Put on work clothes - linen pants, sheer shirt from warehouse in Hawera, and a slip underneath.

12:00-12:30 Eat lunch - leftover chicken, cheese omelet, soy beans, peach. Read teacher's manual to prepare for lesson

12:30 drink more tea and answer e-mails

12:50 go to work

1:10-2:40 Teach Higashi college English lesson.

3:00-3:30 swimming - 800m

3:40 pick up Lena from Kakize Stand, where she has been playing with her Daddy. Go to supermarket, buy beef, komatsu-na greens, milk, lemon soda, yogurt

4pm arrive home, write advertisement for AFWJ convention

5pm pick up Amy, learn about kindy 'camp' (at the kindergarten)

5:30 cook beef and komatsu-na dish; prepare corn, tofu and salad (lettuce, broccoli and bean sprouts). Eat dinner

6:00-6:40 Talk to mother on phone

6:40 shower; tidy living room while kids play in shower

7:10 Go to bed, read books to kids. Lena chose The Little Mermaid pop-up book, Amy chose the Children's encyclopedia, we loooked at the universe and planets pages. Read Leonardo biography while they go to sleep. (nothing about the Priory of Sion, by the way)

8:00 to ??? Finish minutes and advert; write easy English cricket instructions for OIT college lessons; photograph bags for trademe, write this blog!!!

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