Monday, April 18, 2005

We had the party at a local community centre, as the guest list started to get a bit high (16 kids counting babies) and I thought they would not all fit. But fortunately there were a lot of last minutes cancellations and some no-shows, so we ended up with just 9. Amy and Lena, Peter and Rosa, Seiya, Maika, Takumi, Maia and Luna. First time I've been more relieved than annoyed at the Japanese tendency to cancel at the last minute. We made it a pot-luck party, so we didn't have to worry about food quantity not matching!

As well as the cake, I also provided home-made hamburgers, which Amy had requested. Compared to the approximately six hours of cake-decorating, preparing and cooking 18 hamburgers was a breeze. Maika's mum brought the lettuce, cheese, tomato and ketchup, I brought the buns. Maia's mum brought home-made blueberry muffins, Takumi's mum brought home-make raisin bread and chocolate and maply syrup buns. Luna's mum, Seiya's mum and Peter and Rosa's mum all brought fruit, so it wasn't too much of a lolly overload after all.

1 comment:

Wenni Donna said...

We also would be hosting the annual company party but it has become a challenge to find a good event space Chicago which is perfect for the meeting and an after meeting dinner party. I have dome my research but got no results. I wonder if you could help regarding it.